Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Change IS Inevitable

My colleague, Tori Thompson, has made a good argument as she agreed with one of my mine. Tori states in her argument that whites in Texas are becoming the new minority and the lingering discrimination is still evident. When are the people of America going to wake up and come to reality? After all, it is the 21st century.

I, one-hundred percent, agree with Tori on how our government needs to realize our country and state comes with more than one ethnicity. Being Hispanic, I can completely relate to this. The world does not revolve around the Caucasian heritage as it did once before. The fact that it ever did is absolutely unjust, inhumane, and brutal. We need a government that is going to support its citizens and listen to their opinions, regardless of change.

The majority of Texas is not a part of the “change” fan club. Most people want to keep and sustain the “traditional” way of living, like Tori said.  I never understood this, but why can’t other individuals see that we are all equal? Change IS going to happen, regardless of what everyone in our state thinks. It is already happening. Why is it horrible that Texas is becoming more diverse? Ignorance has to stop and acceptance of change has to begin. Change is inevitable. We should and deserve to have an open-minded, accommodating local government to protect and serve us. Texas history proves what great lengths we went through for our state to be recognized.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Texas Senate to End Planned Parenthood Funds

In the past years, Planned Parenthood has always been an issue.  Should the government fund it or not? The question can never be completely answered. I read about an issue recently and concluded that I do not agree with the government’s decision. The issue was about the Texas Senate renewing its effort to keep funds from Planned Parenthood and also to end funds regarding breast and cervical cancer screenings. This is absurd in a number of ways. My main concern about the issue is taking away women’s safety. 

By ending funds to Planned Parenthood, women who are trying to prevent conception cannot do so anymore. The women who are in this program are probably on the medication for a number of valid reasons. Maybe she is still in school, maybe she is not financially stable to care for another individual and wants to wait, or maybe she is taking the pill just for her own protection. As a college student, I can side with many reasons as I am not ready myself.  In a way, women’s rights are taken away. Without this, women are not able to protect themselves. Wouldn’t the government want to fund Planned Parenthood instead of funding the expensive labor and delivery medical bills? Preventing conception is greatly cheaper as well.
Another concern that was brought to my attention was ending funds to breast and cervical cancer as well. Like before, I disagree. The Texas Senate should rethink about their mindless decision. If these screenings were to be taken away and not funded, the safety of women and the necessary precaution to prevent cancer is also taken away. According to Access to Breast Cancer for West Texas (ABC4WT), nearly 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year. But today, fewer and fewer women are dying from breast cancer. Breast and cervical screenings have helped so many women by detecting cancer from a very early stage. Thus, it results in fewer deaths. Why would our local government want to end that? 
Hopefully, the Texas Senate will end their ludicrous efforts to eliminate these funds. Even though it requires finances and probably does increase federal deficit, these are valuable lives at sake. Please, don’t end that of all things.